hello my name is


a graphic designer

My name is Angélica Sol. I was born in Colombia, in a small place called Apartado.


When I was 3 years old I was adopted and moved to the Netherlands. There I grew up in Alkmaar, North-Holland with my parents and two older brothers.


My interest with electronics started at an early age and I was absolutely glued to the family computer, to the point me and my oldest brother would always fight on who deserved to be on it more.


When I was 14 I started getting into Graphic Design true school and since then I have gone to multiple schools to learn new things.

I’m currently going to the Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht where I study Crossmedia. Right now I’m in my 2nd year which will be followed up by my internship and final year.

 In the future I hope to be one of the graphic designers whose work can be seen all over Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest and much more.

Check out my work